
ERROR with constrainst error Debug message Exception while validating constraints

I have an error with constraints when i send the request, this is the error Debug message Exception while validating constraints, im doing the tutorial in the version 4.0 of the form i dont have problems, but when i duplicate to the 5.0 i have this error idk how to solve it

Display contract failed constraints

When a user submit a form with complex contract constraints and one of those contraint is not valid, we get a org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.contract.ContractViolationException

The message associated with this exception is Exception while validating constraints and we also get an empty explanations array.

Is there a way to get the list of failed contraints? Also I believe the error message used to contain the error message associated with the failed constraint but my last tests (Bonita Community 7.3.3 and 7.2.3) does not show them.

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException

BMP Camp - Exercise 2
Run - >enter values -> received error message
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException
